Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) embodies the traditional wisdom and theory of ancient Chinese people in the fight against diseases. In the long-term clinical practice, it has presented unique therapeutic effects. It starts from analysis of the symptoms, understands the internal mechanism, thus achieving effects of adjusting internal body system. Via Acupressure, so that everyone can experience this magical effect.
The acupressure therapy, using different types of auxiliary massage on different parts of the body, activates the body's energy, relieves physical and mental stress, and strengthens the immune system; acupressure massage stimulates specific acupuncture points, stimulates the meridian gas, achieves the function of circulation, adjusts function, and eliminates negative energy, thus helping one to gain positive energy and keeping one refreshed again.
Juliana Tjandra, Vice Chairman
Tjong Say Jioe, Director
Persatuan Akupunkturis Seluruh Indonesia ( PAKSI)